Now these rugs are basically the floor mats that we have in front of the doors to collect dirt, essentially because we have dogs. We have quite a few in our downstairs area because we've got three doors. There is also one in front of the kitchen sink. This leaves Molly quite the selection to drag around. This is typically what it looks like when we come home:
I thought it was funny how she left evidence . . . . she's the only one who chews on the blue bone and plays with that yellow cloth.
Well, the other day she added a new element. She decided to pull the entire toy basket over to the gathering area and proceed to SHRED it. Seriously, there were little wicker pieces everywhere. Oh yeah, they were on top of the rugs she piled up. Here's a picture:
So yesterday I got off from work a bit early and decided to take a quick nap before I had to drive down to Midlothian for Ryan's work Christmas party. For those that personally know my sleep habits, I am a VERY heavy sleeper. I think Molly devised a plan to really test this. She proceeded to take Ryan's expense check from his night stand, bring it to the bed and shred it into pieces less than A FOOT FROM MY HEAD. I didn't hear her. Seriously. So when I woke up, there was a pile of shredded paper. For a second, I couldn't even tell what it was!
So when I got to the Christmas party, I told Ryan what happened. He proceeded to tell the person who issues the checks that "the dog ate his expense check". She actually said that she needs the pieces back for auditing purposes. Uh seriously?! What good is a pile of shredded paper going to do? I don't think she understands the shredding capabilities of a Schnauzer. This morning Ryan asked if the bank would cash it if he taped it back together. Seriously?! See what I'm working with here people??
Today we are getting a Christmas tree that will be going in the living room. I can only imagine the future posts that will evolve from that decision.
HAHAHA... oh man. Molly's taking over the house 1 rug at a time I think.
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