Friday, January 2, 2009

Good Golly Miss Molly

So last Monday night started off just like any other night. The doggies were playing with their new Christmas toys and we were just relaxing. Well, I actually had to pack because the next day I was travelling to Baltimore for work . . . . little Miss Molly decided that she wanted to help me and put her toy in my suitcase. I guess she thought she was coming!!

Anyways, after I was finished packing I noticed Molly's ears were pinned back and she kept trying to hide behind the pillows on the bed. Ryan suggested that I sit with her in the bathroom just in case she really did get sick (isn't that nice. . . he was watching a marathon some super lame show called The Deadliest Catch). Well not 10 min later she got sick . . . . . so I thought I thought we were basically in the clear for the rest of the night. I cleaned up everything and then noticed she was ridiculously itchy. She couldn't even sit still because she would twitch and try to scratch herself. She was running up against the walls to scratch herself. . . . hiding in the closet. She was being a major weirdo. So finally I thought I'd try to help itch her, when I noticed that she had hives all over her hind legs! Poor girl was having an allergic reaction!! I tried to find some information on the internet. . . basically its give them benadryl or take them to the vet for an injection. I called the emergency veterinary clinic and asked them what I should do and how much it would cost to bring her in and get the shot. Of course they suggested that I bring her in and it was going to be $200 (??!?!?!). So I tried to call my mom and my future sister-in-law, both of whom have dogs and either know about medicine (mom) or have a dog with medical issues (Amy). Neither one of them was answering. Greaaaat. So I decided I would take her in to the clinic because I certainly did not want her to go into anaphylactic shock (her throat would swell and she would suffocate). To make a long story short, Amy called while I was on my way and said I should give her baby Benadryl first. Once we got in the car Molly wasn't being crazy anymore, so I decided that spending $7 was better than spending $200.

Of course this made little furball extremely sleepy . . . which resulted in laughter by me and Ryan (which was good because I had been very worried about her). I tried to take some pictures . . . .

Soon enough, she was no longer itchy and was fast asleep next to Frank.

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purrduedvm said...

1. Being a self diagnosing individual is generally not a good idea.

2. "some super lame show called Deadliest Catch" - that is very telling indeed...

Brandy Frank said...

not only was it deadliest catch but it was a marathon LOL

Kate said...

Dear Purrduedvm,

I find it quite rude that you would make snarky comments on MY blog, when I don't even know you!

For my blog readers who are now curious . . . . when I called the vet, I discussed with her, in detail, what was going on with my dog. I did not know what was going on with Molly until the vet told me that she was most likely having an allergic reaction. Therefore, I did NOT self diagnose. The people that know me personally KNOW that I would do ANYTHING for my dogs and that I love them with all of my heart.

For those of you who don't know, The Deadliest Catch is reality show on the Discovery Channel that chronicles deep sea fishing, which is very dangerous (hence the "deadliest" part). Each episode centers on a different sea creature. Umm I realize that the commentor is a veterinarian, so perhaps maybe she herself is a fan of The Deadliest Catch or likes to see herself as a "protector" of all animal related shows. . . . all I know is that I watched it and I thought it was lame . . the show came on again (it was a marathon) and I thought it was lame. That's all.

Brandy Frank said...

must get in on blog drama ;)
knowing what I know now (i.e that wasn't someone who knew Kate who was teasing her) that was a snarky comment.

p.s. I love the word snarky.

Rob and Amy said...

Oh for pete's sake purrduedvm. You're just mad that you didn't to make money off of Molly being brought into your practice.

Not everything that happens to a dog or a person requires a trip to a doctor.

And it was ME (her SIL) who mentioned to her that she could give the pup Benadryl (the mildest form she could find, and only a TINY bit in the dropper at that).

Want to know where I learned that you can give dogs benadryl??? My vet. So there.

Happy New Year!!!!!