Sunday, January 4, 2009

Molly's Trip to the Doggie ER

So this morning I went to spinning class (go me!) and was going to come home, take a quick shower and meet a friend for lunch. Well came in the door, took one look at Molly and determined that was not in the plans for today. She got sick on the kitchen floor . . . her tail was tucked down, had hives all over her hind legs and she was trying to burrow again!! She was also kind of sweaty and panting a lot. While I was certain that this was another allergic reaction, she was not panting or sweaty last Monday, so I decided to rush her to the emergency vet. Luckily I had been to it before (my previous roomate's dog AND cat had been there and I also looked it up again last week).

Basically she had an allergic reaction, with hives and a fever. They gave her 2 shots and got to go home when her fever was below 102 (she came in at 103.7). I had to stay in the waiting room, so it was quite boring for me. I did find it amusing that they were playing Animal Planet on the tv in the waiting room, umm except when it was the Animal Control show and they had to euthanize a dog . . yeah probably not something I'd want to watch if my dog was super ill.

Two funny stories (well, now that this whole episode is over). On the way to the vet, Molly was on the passenger seat floor board. She seemed so hot, so I thought I'd turn on the a/c and direct it towards her. Well this sent her into an itching TIZZY . . . essentially making it 100 times worse for her! I quickly turned it off and felt bad for upsetting her.

The second happened on our way into the vet. The windows were covered with a reflective coating . . . . well Molly saw herself in the mirror and started barking at herself . . so imagine me . . . sweaty. . in my gym clothes. . carrying this crazy, itchy dog who is barking at herself.

So where was Ryan during all of this, you ask?? Well he wasn't in the house but his car was in garage, so I figured he was out on a run. Apparently he got lost and was gone for longer than he intended. When he finally got home he figured out pretty quickly what was going on. . . no Molly, no Kate, Kate's car gone. Franklin was a mess without Molly which is funny considering he usually finds her annoying!

So, I'm sure you are wondering what on earth Molly is allergic to?!? Well we still aren't positive, but we think its Febreze Air Effects spray (Lavender Vanilla & Comfort . . it smells sooo good). Apparently Ryan sprayed it upstairs before he went on a run. The only thing is that he can't remember if he sprayed it last Monday or on Christmas Eve, but he said he has been using it over the past three weeks or so (Apparently he likes the smell of it too). So I did a search on Febreze Air Effects and pet allergic reactions and I found a lot of anecdotal evidence relating pet health problems to Febreze products. At this point, that is the only thing we can think of. We'll stop using it and see if she stops getting sick.

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