Monday, January 12, 2009

So thats what they do all day . . .

Don't you wonder what the heck dogs do during the day???

Well I've often wondered that. . . for a while there, I thought MY dogs just liked to cause trouble during the day. But for some reason, they have become surprisingly well behaved in the past few weeks. . . . no rugs misplaced, nothing shredded, no rooting through trash cans. Hence the lack of posts. I'm not sure if Molly is still under the weather or she miraculously matured in the past couple of weeks. Its has seriously been a drastic change!

Anyways, before I leave for work (Ryan leaves waaay before I do) I usually have to draaaag both pups out of bed so that I can shut the bedroom door. They usually look really pitiful and sleepy. Anyways, to reward them for their good behavior, I decided to leave the bedroom door open today.

So I came home tonight and headed up the stairs. As I rounded the corner, I heard slight murmurs . . . . the tv was on!!! I felt the "indentations" in the comforter and they were still warm!! Apparently, Frank and Molly spent the entire day lounging on Mom & Dad's bed watching tv!! (Molly has an incredible ability to turn on/off the tv)

1 comment:

Brandy Frank said...

Brandon claims the cats can turn on the postage machine and mail something. I don't believe him though cause for goodness sakes a passcode is involved. ha!


they have been known to turn off my TIVO of course when I want something important to record!!