Friday, January 16, 2009

To the vet we go again . . .

It always seems to happen when I come back from the gym . . maybe I just shouldn't go the gym? oh no wait that's the wrong lesson to learn from this story . . . so anyways . . . I come home and I feed the pups their scrumptious meal of the same old kibble (which they still go wild for day after day) and I go on my merry way. . . about 20 minutes after that I walked into the second bedroom where I noticed a whoooole lot of doggie poo, and upon further inspection, I noticed that some of of this doggie poo was not normal. (I'll keep it at that for those who are a bit squeamish) "greaaaat, another trip to the vet in my workout clothes is in order" . . . . Upon second thought (and my my bank account), Molly was acting perfectly normal so I wasn't inclined to rush her to the emergency vet clinic . . . eventually (after many phone calls to various people) I decided that since she was acting normal, ate dinner and did not have a fever she could wait until the morning to see a doctor.

So this morning off we went to the vet. . . . this is Molly in the car ride. She apparently did not care that it was 28 degrees outside. I, however, did, so she only got a brief moment of what I like to call pure doggie bliss. I have to keep the windows on child lock because the little bugger knows how to roll down the windows! She is quite techno savvy for being such a little furball.

Molly's vet is located inside the Petsmart, so I suppose she never really knows if she is going in for fun, a haircut or to see the evil people in white coats, so she just decides to be super excited. Like SUPER excited. Scaring large dogs away excited. Jumping up and down excited. This wears off after about a minute when she realizes that she is not here to get new toys . . .although she keeps trying to get me to go down the aisles with her in hopes that I am truly mistaken as to why we are at Petsmart.

So I would have put all my money on Molly having a parasite if I was a gambler. She's had one before and she just drank the gross creek water again earlier this week. Here is Molly waiting SO patiently for her test results. Seriously, she was very well behaved. I was very proud of her!! Go Molly!!

One hundred and twenty dollars later, it is revealed that little furball does not have a parasite! They determined that she probably has some sort of infection in her stomach and intestine (which was causing HORRENDOUS flatulence Wednesday and Thursday) and is now on a cocktail of antibiotics and two cans of prescription doggie food. Wahoo! I am so glad she doesn't have a parasite. . . it involves twice daily doses of this yellow goo . . while she likes it. . it is annoying to have to give it to her for two weeks!

So that's all that's going on in our little world! Lets hope we can stay away from the vet's office for at least another two weeks!
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1 comment:

Brandy Frank said...

"evil people in white coats"

LOL girl, you CRACK me up!!!! : )